
philosopher字體、Sora font、Mitr font在PTT/mobile01評價與討論,在ptt社群跟網路上大家這樣說


philosopher字體在Philosopher - Google Fonts的討論與評價

Philosopher was started in 2008 and takes inspiration from Agfa Rotis and ITC Binary. This font is universal: It can be used in logos, headlines, ...

philosopher字體在Philosopher 字体 - Fonts2u.com的討論與評價

Philosopher Alexander Kalachev, Alexey Maslov, Jovanny Lemonad网页 TrueType字体免费软件已更新. 口音(局部的); 欧元. Philosopher-Regular.ttf.

philosopher字體在Philosopher Font | dafont.com的討論與評價

Philosopher -BoldItalic.ttf. Note of the author. This font maked with Erico Lebedenco: http://www.dafont.com/erico-lebedenco.d1830 in 2008 ...


    philosopher字體在Philosopher Font | Download for Free - FFonts.net的討論與評價

    Philosopher -Regular.ttf; Font: Philosopher; Weight: Regular; Version: Version Version 1.000; No. of Characters:: 331; Encoding Scheme: Is Fixed Pitch: No.

    philosopher字體在Philosopher | Adobe Fonts的討論與評價

    Philosopher is available via an open source license. You're free to use it with your Adobe Fonts account just as you would any other font in the Adobe Fonts ...

    philosopher字體在Philosopher Font Family - 1001 Fonts的討論與評價

    Philosopher was started in 2008 and takes inspiration from Agfa Rotis and ITC Binary. This font is universal: It can be used in logos, headlines, ...

    philosopher字體在Philosopher Font Family : Download Free for Desktop & Webfont的討論與評價

    Download Philosopher font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Moreover, you can embed it to your website with ...

    philosopher字體在Philosopher.otf - 字體下載的討論與評價

    字體 簡介特別提示:字體Philosopher.otf請勿用于商業用途,商用請聯系版權方授權。 Philosopher.otf 是壹款非常漂亮的英文字體,字體設計優美,Philosopher.otf 也是壹 ...

    philosopher字體在Philosopher Font - 1001 Free Fonts的討論與評價

    Download the Philosopher font by Jovanny Lemonad. The Philosopher font has been downloaded 50382 times.


    字体天下(www.fonts.net.cn)提供Philosopher字体下载. 以及Philosopher字体在线预览服务.

    philosopher字體的PTT 評價、討論一次看
