


滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠- English translation - Linguee的討論與評價

Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 沧海遗珠 ()—. undiscovered talent [idiom ...

滄海遺珠英文在沧海遗珠| Chinese to English | Poetry & Literature - ProZ.com的討論與評價

我找不到英文中关于"pearl"的那个表达,应该是照着中文的异化了,那也很厉害!只是我还琢磨着"drop"这个单词:要drop某物,是不是暗示着之前要先拥有这样 ...

滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠的英文單字- 英漢詞典的討論與評價

【滄海遺珠】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:leave a talented man in retirement滄海遺珠;unknown talented man滄海遺珠;a pearl left in the depth of the ocean by ...


    滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠的英文 - 海词的討論與評價

    a pearl dropped in the ocean -- an unnoticed talent; a pearl left in the depth of the ocean by the rivers; leave a talented man in retirement; ...

    滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠英文 - 英語翻譯的討論與評價

    滄海遺珠英文 翻譯: a pearl dropped in the ocean -…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋滄海遺珠英文發音,英文單字,怎麽用英語翻譯滄海遺珠,滄海遺珠的英語例句用法和 ...

    滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠 - Wiktionary的討論與評價

    vast ocean; large ocean, to lose; to leave behind, pearl; bead. trad. (滄海遺珠), 滄海 · 遺 · 珠 · simp. (沧海遗珠), 沧海 · 遗 · 珠.

    滄海遺珠英文在【精華】5 Hidden Gems that You May Have... - English Flow ...的討論與評價

    【精華】5 Hidden Gems that You May Have Missed out in 2019 (五篇滄海遺珠) 今年的最後一天, 除了訂立New Year's Resolutions 之外, ...


    沧海遗珠 的英语翻译是:a pearl dropped in the ocean -- an unnoticed talent...,点击查看详细解释:沧海遗珠的英文翻译的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等, ...

    滄海遺珠英文在滄海遺珠的英文怎麼說 - TerryL的討論與評價

    滄海遺珠 的英文怎麼說. 中文拼音[cānghǎiyízhū]. 滄海遺珠英文. a pearl dropped in the ocean -- an unnoticed talent; a pearl left in the depth of the ocean by ...

    滄海遺珠英文在沧海遗珠用英语怎么说 - 趣词词典的討論與評價

    沧海遗珠. a pearl dropped in the ocean -- an unnoticed talent; a pearl left in the depth of the ocean by the rivers; leave a talented man in retirement ...

    滄海遺珠英文的PTT 評價、討論一次看
